mercoledì, Marzo 26, 2025
Parliamo di....Scienza

Pollution and alternative Energy sources

Pollution is afflicting a large part of our planet, the greenhouse gases, coming from power plants that still use fossil fuels, are polluting the Earth, making it less hospitable for us.
But who do we have to blame for this crime against our nature? Only us.
Yes, because it’s just our fault, in fact, since the second millennium we are recording incredible pollution data!

Several consequences emerge from the pollution that afflicts the Earth, including the hole in the ozone layer and the global rise overheating, a result of the “greenhouse effect” that causes the greenhouse gases.
But fortunately, humanity, conscious of this imminent disaster, is already working to find solutions to a critical situation.
We can use renewable energy sources as an effective alternative to fossil fuels, because, unlike oil and coal, they are renewable.
We should also create solutions aimed at saving energy, at using the energy sources in a rational way. To implement these solutions, we don’t need just ideas, but we need an action plan relating to integration of the population in political programs. The realization of the energy management systems is still a challenge for science and technology and a test for man and his social and political conscience.

Gianluca Gabra 2BMM

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