domenica, Marzo 23, 2025
Comprensivo Galluppi Santa Lucia del Mela

L’Istituto Comprensivo di Santa Lucia del Mela incontra L’Europa

Dialogo e scambio culturale


Il Dieci Novembre 2017 è stato un giorno  importante per le classi terze sez. A e B della scuola media dell’I.C di Santa Lucia del Mela. Uno scambio culturale con  studenti svedesi in Erasmus in Sicilia. E’ venuto nella nostra scuola, Elliot, un ragazzo svedese, in verità dovevamo incontrarci anche con Samuel Luck ma il giorno prima si è ammalato. Abbiamo condiviso dei bei momenti, Elliot ci ha raccontato del suo paese, delle sue tradizioni e della sua scuola. Ha avuto modo di conoscere anche la nostra scuola, i nostri orari e le nostre discipline. Ci ha fatto molto piacere scoprire che riuscivamo a dialogare con lui, le nostre competenze nella lingua straniera ci hanno permesso questo! Adesso ci piace condividere con voi quanto lo stesso Elliot ha affermato sul nostro incontro. ( classi III sez. A e B)


penisola scandinava

Hi! My name is Elliot Angleflod. I’m 17 years old and I come from Sweden. I’m here with my school thanks to Erasmus+ which is a mobility program.

I live in Barcellona P.G. and I work at “ Astu cooperativa sociale”. We’re 30 swedish students here in total.

I think it was fun to going to Sicily because it’s nice weather and it’s a beautiful country.It’s been an exciting experience because of the cultural exchange between our countries and to live among Italian people. I’ve met a lots of new friends and gotten to know my classmates better.

I was asked to do a presentation in a school “ Istituto Comprensivo Santa Lucia del Mela” and talk about Sweden, and that was really fun and exciting. I’ve got to see the differences between the Italian and the Swedish schools and meet Italian teens. Aparently if you are blond hair and blue eyes ( like me) the people here think that you are beautiful!!!

In the presentation I talked about the climate in Sweden,the borders of the country,the flag and the division in districts; the elections, the King and the Prime Minister; I talked about my family and my friends and hobbies too. At one point I felt like an animal in the zoo because everybody was stairing at me cut the time!!!

But it’s very fun to do this presentation… All the students ( 3A and 3B) asked me questions about my country, my hobbies, my favourite food… It’s a pleasure for me to talk to students and to answer to their questions. Someone speak and understand English very well.

People have welcomed me really well and all the people are nice and helpfull….

Thanks Sicily.

Elliot Angleflod

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